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Former Pastor and Ministry Leader Steve Lawson’s recent scandal, and the way it was handled by the Reformed Church, just destroyed their reputation. It also exposed three harsh truths about their community and culture as a denomination. In our newest episode on the Check My Church YouTube channel, I walk through these three crucial ways Steve Lawson's downfall has exposed the Reformed Church.
The Reformed Church, like all institutions and denominations, faces challenges and criticisms unique to its culture and the fruit it produces in the Christian Church at large. As the Body of Christ struggles to discern the wolves from His sheep in every Christian organization, it's crucial for ministry leaders to constantly evaluate their practices, doctrines, and attitudes to protect the sheep and avoid feeding or attracting wolves.
The exposure of the Reformed Church now faces because of Steve Lawson's secret five-year affair isn't unique to them, but if taken seriously, it can serve as a wake-up call to the fact that humility, self-reflection, and introspection are essential for the Body of Christ. Yet, they seem to be sorely lacking in virtually every denomination and ministry.
By looking behind the Reformed mask and exposing the uncomfortable truth about their culture as a community, The Christian Church can make real headway towards protecting the sheep and repelling the wolves in every denomination and ministry, regardless of its doctrinal distinctives.
Will the Reformed Church wake up to these flaws or remain insolent in their doctrinal and intellectual pride? Only time will tell. In the meantime, we’re looking behind the mask and exposing the truth about how Steve Lawson's downfall exposed the Reformed Church.
Watch the full video below.